Interesting Custom
Shavua Tov. I learned an interesting custom this morning at the Kotel. Being that the weather was very cold, I asked, half in jest, if I could leave my gloves on for the ברכת כהנים, the priestly blessing. I was informed by the head of our Minyan, Rabbi Gabi Sheinin, that this is actually a serious question. Gabi has worked with the Chevra Kadisha, burial society, for forty years. He did the “Tahara”, ritual washing of the body, for Menachem Begin and Rav Mordecha Eliyahu, זצ״ל. The custom in the Chevra Kadisha is that shrouds are prepared for all of the deceased. However, when a Kohein passes away, in addition to the shrouds, gloves are placed on the hands of the Kohein. This is in order to show extra respect respect to the hands that blessed the Jewish nation, and the Shechina, Divine Presence, that passes through the Kohein’s hands. A very interesting custom, indeed.