Shabbat and the Ten Plagues

The Netivot Shalom divides the Ten Plagues into three categories: the first three abbreviated as דצ״ך, blood, frogs, lice, as plagues that originated from the ground. The second three, עד״ש, wild animals, pestilence, and boils, were plagues that were above the ground. And the final four, באח״ב, hail, locusts, darkness, and killing of first born, all came from the heavens. The Netivot Shalom makes a comparison between the plagues and Shabbat. On Shabbat we have three meals. Each meal represents a higher and higher level of Kedusha. By the time we get to the third meal, we are elevated to the highest level, similar to the highest level of the plagues. These plagues were meant to teach that Hashem is the true G-d. And Shabbat is the day when we bond with G-d on the highest level.


תורה, ארץ ישראל, עולם הבא


A Miraculous Day