תורה, ארץ ישראל, עולם הבא

The Netivot Shalom repeatedly emphasizes the necessity of going through difficulties in order to appreciate the good times. This explains why we were first slaves in Egypt before being redeemed. And it also explains why so much of our history was spent in the Galut. The Netivot Shalom further makes his claim by quoting the Gemara that says that Hashem gave us three precious gifts, and all three are acquired with יסורים: They are Torah, Eretz Yisrael, and Olam Haba. Because these are such precious gifts and once we attain them, we feel a sense of bliss, they are only acquired by way of pain, hard work, and perseverance. This is an important life lesson. Anything of value comes with hard work and perseverance and most importantly, patience. This is the lesson of the Jews in Egypt, and this is the lesson of history.


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