Being Considerate
A large section of פרשת משפטים discussed damages and the sensitivity we are supposed to have towards other people’s property.
We are to guard our animals to be certain they do not damage a neighbor’s crops or possessions. The same is true that we are not allowed to dig a pit in a public domain where someone might fall and get hurt.
We must control our temper and avoid getting into a fist fight with our neighbor. If we harm him, we pay for his inability to work as well as doctor bills.
The overall message is learned from Pirkei Avot. It is written, יהי ממון חברך חביב עליך כשלך, may the property of your friend be as dear to you as your own.
This all might sound like a pretty simple message. However, today there is clearly a lack of consideration and respect for other people’s possessions. This could explain the littering in the streets, and overall lack of consideration for others.
A possible solution to this problem comes from the words, ונקרב בעל הבית אל האלוקים, that the householder must appear before a judge. In this context, אלוקים, refers to honest judges. But אלוקים can also mean Hashem. If we would only realize that we will one day stand before Hashem, and we will give an accounting for all of our actions, we will tend to be more careful how we treat others and their property. Perhaps this will remind us to also to be kinder and more courteous in our overall treatment of others. There are times when the obvious also needs to be said.