Five Temple Parshiot

This Shabbat we begin the first of five Parshiot that detail the construction of the Mishkan. Parshat תרומה focuses on the vessels used in the Temple and the construction of the courtyard. In our history, it has been 3,332 years since we left Egypt. Of those years, we had either a Temple or Mishkan operating for 1310 of those years. This means that we have been in Exile for much more than half of our history. This makes the five Parsha emphasis on Mishkan construction that much more puzzling. There is so much detail given on all aspects of the construction, with an accounting of all materials used. The Netivot Shalom writes that the reason for this is that we reap great spiritual rewards by studying these laws. When we read about the קרבנות in our Siddurim, we receive the reward as if we actually offered these sacrifices. But the most important reason for delving into the study of Temple service and its construction, is that it elevates us above the material, mundane world that we live in, and connects us to a higher, more spiritual existence. This is why we devote five Parshas to study about this sacred aspect of Judaism.


Temple of Shlomo

