Temple of Shlomo

Shavua Tov. I always find fascinating the description of the Beit Hamikdash built by Shlomo Hamelech. Today’s Haftarah was from King I, Chapters five and six. We are told that it took Shlomo seven years to build his Temple. He employed numerous גרי תושב, resident strangers, who kept the Seven Noachide Laws. There were 70,000 נושאי סבל, who carried burdens. And there were another 80,000 who were חוצבי בהר, who hewed in the mountain. Historians claim that the area around שער שכם, Damascus Gate, was a quarry. They devised a system where these massive stones were brought from there to the Temple Mount. Some of these stones can still be seen today, which shows how remarkable the Temple construction actually was. Another significant historical verse comes in Chapter six, where we are told that it came to pass 480 years after the Exodus from Egypt, the Temple of Shlomo was completed. The study of the Temple and longing for it to be rebuilt, will help make the Third Temple a reality, G-d willing.


The Joy of Giving


Five Temple Parshiot