Ten People-Sanctify G-d

The Mitzva of קידוש ה׳ and חילול ה׳, sanctifying Hashem’s name and not profaning it, was mentioned in פרשת אמור. Rav Elie Munk calls these two Mitzvot, the Bible in miniature as they are such foundational commandments.

We are always meant to act in a way that brings honor to G-d, and not act in a way that makes Him look bad. There are numerous examples of חילול ה׳ that should be pretty obvious.

There are times when we are commanded to violate a Mitzva in order to live, as we are to live by the Mitzvot and not die by the Mitzvot.

The exception to this rule is if there are ten people present when being asked to do something wrong. For example, if someone tells you to eat a ham sandwich or be killed, you eat the sandwich. However, if ten people observe this, you should allow yourself to be killed. Otherwise, you would have violated חילול ה׳.

This is learned from a גזירה שוה, using the word, “תוך” in two different contexts. Regarding Kiddush Hashem, it’s written, ונקדשתי בתוך בני ישראל, and I shall be sanctified “in the midst” of the Jewish people. And regarding the ten evil spies, the Torah says, הבדלו מתוך העדה הרעה הזאת, separate from “the midst” of this evil congregation.

Just like one case speaks of a congregation equaling ten, we apply the same principle regarding Kiddush Hashem.


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