Parshat תזריע discusses the process of purification for a woman after childbirth. After giving birth to a child, the new mother goes through a period of adjustment to her role as primary care giver to her new baby.
Rabbi Elie Munk writes that the focus in studying this Parsha, is to marvel at the incredible works of G-d. The miracle of childbirth and the partnership in creating a new child between parents and G-d, is the way it was planned for the world to continue.
The huge responsibility of parenting is never something to be taken lightly. The connection between the end of last week’s Parsha and its discussion of Kashrut, and giving birth, is to tell us that the food we feed our kids, has an influence on their חינוך, education. Our Rabbis say that putting unclean and impure food into our bodies, affects the ability to think in a pure manner.
Parents are meant to focus on this immense responsibility of parenting even before the child is conceived. They should pray that Hashem will give them a G-d fearing child eager to do Mitzvot, who will carry the torch of Judaism and Jewish values on to the next generation.
It is likely that the separation that the new mother goes through after childbirth is for her to ready herself for her secondary role of being the child’s primary teacher. Children learn the most by watching their parents and how they interact with the world. This role of educating by example continues throughout life.
Parshat תזריע might very well be the Parsha for ALL parents to take a step back and realize the enormity of their role as parents. Shabbat Shalom