Neglected Children
Rabbi Elie Munk in קול התורה, writes a pretty surprising commentary about Moshe Rabbeinu. He claims that Moshe’s two sons, Gershom and Eliezer, were somewhat neglected by their father.
Aharon insisted that their mother, Tzippora, take them back to Midian before Egypt was smitten with the Ten Plagues.
A further proof of this assumption comes from Rashi’s comment on the words, מן ההר אל העם, that Moshe went directly from the mountain to the people. His devotion to the people was so great, that he didn’t worry about his personal affairs, but went directly to serve the Jewish people.
It does seem plausible that when one holds an important public position, that his family is often neglected. But I’m not sure that such an accusation can be made against the greatest man that ever lived. On the one hand, he was human. But it is difficult to imagine that his sons were not influenced and inspired by their father.