Yitro’s Truth

Shavua Tov. Parshat Yitro tells us how Moshe’s father in-law came to be convinced of the truth of Judaism, and eventually converted.

Yitro uses the words, עתה ידעתי, “now I know.” We are told that he investigated every possible worship or religion that existed in those days, and was absolutely convinced that Judaism was the one and only true religion.

Throughout history, numerous individuals have followed this path, seeking truth. When one is on this journey, he will end up embracing Judaism.

The same has been true of religious debates that have taken place over the years. Jews were always victorious over such debates. The only problem was that when they won, they were often put to death for showing up the prevalent beliefs of that time.

What must be made abundantly clear is that truth is not relative. There is only one truth in this world. And that is Hashem and the Torah.


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