Greatest Day Ever
This week we read פרשת יתרו. In it, we have a description of the greatest day ever witnessed by mankind. The Revelation at Mount Sinai, where every Jew heard G-d speak, and each individual was elevated to the level of an Angel.
The Jewish people as a whole, were on the same level as Adam before the sin in Gan Eden.
Had they not fallen by worshipping the Golden Calf, death would have been abolished forever.
Judaism is the one and only true religion because it began with this great miracle of speaking with G-d. We are to remember this day all the days of our lives. We are to see ourselves as though we also stood at Sinai.
This event, coupled with the open miracles in Egypt, were designed to eliminate all doubt as to how we are to believe, and what our purpose is in this world.
And the greatest gift of all, was our receiving the Torah, that was to be the beacon of light to help guide the Jew, and all of mankind, to act in a positive upright manner. Indeed, this was the greatest day ever witnessed by mankind.