Honesty in Business
After the splitting of the Red Sea, Moshe Rabbeinu assures עם ישראל that if they observe the Mitzvot and והישר בעיניו תעשה, and you do that which is upright in the eyes of Hashem, you will not experience all of the sickness of Egypt, for Hashem is the true healer.
The מכילתא comments on the words, והישר בעיניו, and said that one who does business in an honest fashion, it’s as if he observed the entire Torah.
Being honest in business allows one to observe the entire Torah, because an honest individual is confronted with major challenges both between man and man, and man and G-d.
If he meets these challenges, he will, inevitably end up observing all of the Torah. We must never minimize the importance of dealing honestly with our fellow man, in matters of business.